"Oh my Lord, My burden bearer
My help in trouble, My joy in sorrow
My light in darkness, My sword and shield"
~Oh! What A Time
You ever feel like you just need a hug?
Things have been a little overwhelming for me lately. With the normal stress of being a SAHM to 3 kiddos, we have had the added stress of some (hopefully) minor health problems with our oldest. Then the low economy (compounded by my husband being a self-employed construction worker), some sickness and death in our family, and a few other personal problems, and I am about ready to throw in the towel. Needless to say, I have spent loads of time talking to God here lately. And always, when I pray, I feel a little bit better. I know that God is always there to listen and that the Holy Spirit will guide me in what to do or say at any given time if I will just listen.
Sometimes I can just feel the Lord wrapping those mighty arms of His around me and saying "Everything is alright. All will be fine. I am here and ready to carry your burden for you." Those times bring me such peace. It is so comforting and calming to know that all I have to do when I feel lost, alone, or overwhelmed is start talking. There is nothing that He can't handle, and He won't place more on me than He knows I can handle. (Although sometimes I feel like His definition of "you are strong enough" and mine are miles apart!)
God will be everything to you, i fyou will only let Him. He will be your burden-bearer, your help in trouble, your joy in sorrow, your light in darkness, your sword and shield. And then when we see him one day......Oh, my Lord, What a Time!!
Mighty Father, I know that when I am weak, you are strong. Please guide me in everything that I do and lift me when I think I am too weak to go on. I cast all my cares at your feet knowing that you will help me. In Christ's holy name, Amem.